Institute of Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah (IPMAFA) – formerly known as Islamic High School Mathali’ul Falah (STAIMAFA) – was established by the Foundation of Nurussalam Kajen . The legal status was based on the Decree of Director General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs 2015 Number No. 5492, on September 25, 2015 Regarding the Permission of Changing Status from Islamic High School into the Institute of Pesantren Mathaliíul Falah Falah.
The Islamic School of Mathali’ul Falah
Historically the emergence of IPMAFA is inseparable from the existence of Islamic school Mathali’ul Falah or Perguruan Islam Mathali’ul Falah (PIM) which is equivalent to senior high school. Since the establishment of PIM in 1912, its founders desired to produce high quality human resources imbued with deep religious knowledge and character of religious institution namely pesantren. This mission is termed as the value of salih and akram. Therefore, PIM managed to implement such ideal system of education that adopt both religious and modern science, and struggling to set up higher level of education such as university.
The dream was finally realized in 2008 that the Islamic High School of Mathali’ul Falah offering bachelor degree program was established. So, it can be said that initially IPMAFA emerged from the Islamic school of Mathali’ul Falah.
STAIMAFA officially operated from the date of 4 September 2008 according to the Decree of Directorate for Islamic Religious Education – Ministry of Religion, No: Dj. I/302/2008 for Bachelor (S1). While the operational license of Sharia Banking Program is based on the decree of Director General of the Islamic Education No: Dj. I/303/2008 4th September 2009.
Based on the decree, STAIMAFA set up three Faculties, namely: Tarbiyah / Arabic Education (PBA), Shariah/Shariah Banking(PS) and Da’wah /Islamic Community Development (PMI). The said three Programs were conducted as regular program which is legally and academically equivalent to bachelor degree in the country.
Then on 25 September 2015, Staimafa obtained new legal status and became the Institute of Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah (IPMAFA). It rurther offered four new Study Programs (Prodi) namely Islamic Early Childhood Education, Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education), Islamic Broadcasting and Communication (IBC), and finally Management of Zakat and Waqf (ZAWA).