The development of IPMAFA aims to address two important challenges at the same time. First is internal challenge which includes: institutional development and the capacity building. The first is how to strengthen the university by which the institution create a model of organizational system which is capable of managing the ongoing changes. The second is to continuously improve the capacity of the organization in addressing every changes dynamically. While in capacity building is meant to create and develop effective learning system within the institution as a method of improving the capacity of transformative management. These conditions are required in order to reach and realize the vision, mission, and objectives of university according to the desired plan.
The second challenge is external in nature which is related to the status of IPMAFA as a high quality educational institution that undertake the mandate of society of being a part of the demanded solution to the various problems facing the nation today and future. This is in the context of its relevant disciplinary field, capacity and competence of the developed education.
In answering both challenges, IPMAFA strives to be an inclusive institution for any body to get along, and responsive to all developments and changes in society from which it becomes important considerations in determining the policies and decisions of the institution. Openness and responsive decision is required in order not to make IPMAFA as an ivory tower that is far from the social reality around and able take a part in national and global competition. However, every achievement shall be followed by its former identity as a research-based university and in accordance with pesantren values so as not to be affected by the Islamic mainstream of liberalism which currently widespread in all aspects of people’s way of life.