The development of IPMAFA aims to address two important challenges at the same time. First is internal challenge which includes: institutional development and the capacity building. The first is how to strengthen the university by which the institution create a model of organizational system which is capable of managing the ongoing changes. The second is […]

In terms of fulfilling the need of lecturer competency standard, IPMAFA follows the requirement mandated under the law whereby lecturers must obtain the professional, academic, social and personal competence. Professional competence articulates that the lecturers shall have the necessary skills required and the capacity committed to bear the assigned task and responsibility. While the academic […]

1. Institute of Social Jurisprudence (FiSI) Institute of Social Jurisprudence (FiSI) is a study center, research and publication founded in 2012. This body is primarily concerned with developing thought on “social jurisprudence” that has been popularized by a prominent scholar, KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudz as a new breakthrough in Islamic jurisprudence that based on Indonesian […]
IPMAFA Boards of Management

Rectorate : Rector: H. Abdul Ghaffarozin, M.Ed Vice Rector I of Academic Affairs: Dr. Dimyati, M.Ag Vice Rector II of Financial Administration: Dr. Ali Subhan, MA Vice Rector III of Networking and Cooperation: Subhan Salim, M.Ag Faculties & Programs : Dean Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Economy: Wakhrodhi, MSI Dean Faculty of Da’wah and Community Development : Sri Naharin, MSI Dean Faculty of Education: […]
Vision – Mission

Vision : “A Leading Research-University based on the Pesantren (Islamic Religious Institution) values by Year 2025″ . Mission : To empower knowledge transformation, tradition and morality. To implement educational activities and learning. To implement community devotion. To conduct a study and research. To become a university with a good governance culture.
History of IPMAFA

The Institute of Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah (IPMAFA) – formerly known as Islamic High School Mathali’ul Falah (STAIMAFA) – was established by the Foundation of Nurussalam Kajen . The legal status was based on the Decree of Director General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs 2015 Number No. 5492, on September 25, 2015 Regarding […]
Cikeusik to Sampang: The threat of conflict

The late Abdurrahman Wahid once stated that, “Nahdlatul Ulama [NU] is like Shiite minus Imamah; similarly Shiite is NU plus Imamah.” There have been too many similarities between the two, as the position and role of kyai is somehow similar with the position and the role of the imam in the Shiite tradition. The main […]
Lessons Learned from the Tragedy of Paris

Almost a week after an unprecedented attack that struck the capital city of Paris, scored were reportedly killed, diverting the world attention, leaving the whole nation in mourning as well as the whole world, leave anti-Muslim forces swept out around the world, particularly in Europe, where Muslim are mostly in minority community. The aftermath of […]
Volunterisme Sosial

MUSIM hujan membawa banyak bencana di berbagai daerah, seperti Pati, Jepara, Demak, Banjarnegara, dan hampir semua daerah di Jawa Tengah, dalam bentuk banjir, tanah longsor, dan lain-lain. Dalam konteks ini maka spirit volunterisme (kesukarelawanan) sosial harus dibangkitkan di tengah bencana kemanusiaan. Islam sebagai agama yang dianut mayoritas bangsa ini mempunyai kepedulian besar terhadap volunterisme sosial. […]